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What are the best crystals for beginners?

What are the best crystals for beginners?

If you are new to the world of crystals, welcome! We are so happy to have you apart of this beautiful crystal community.  I know it can be a bit overwhelming at first, trying to choose the perfect crystal to get started on your journey. There's so many beautiful ones, and they all have different benefits and healing properties. It can be tough to get started and know which crystals are the best for beginners! 

Getting to know the "crystal basics" is a great first step when you're just starting out. By doing just a bit of reading, you can begin to understand what they do, their healing properties, and how they can add some beautiful energy to your life. You can also start researching how to cleanse and program your crystals. 

How to shop for crystals

If you aren't sure how to buy crystals online, or where to shop from - we have a whole post on that topic here. But whether you are doing it online or in person there are two ways you can shop for crystals. 

1.  Trust your intuition

Trusting your intuition might be scary at first, but hear me out. Many crystal lovers will never research the properties or healing benefits of a crystal until after they buy it. The premise is this: when you are naturally drawn to a crystal, it's for a reason. If something is calling out to you or you just love it for no particular reason, go with your gut. There is likely a higher spiritual meaning behind this calling. 

2. Find a crystal that has properties or energy you want to tap into. 

If you aren't ready to dive in and trust your intuition quite yet, this might be more suitable. If you're manifesting something in particular, you can find a crystal with properties that align with that manifestation. Or, if you want to tap into a particular energy, sourcing the right crystal with the right benefits can help! On the Manifest and Flow website, all the benefits and healing properties are listed under the crystal or crystal kit.  You can simply read through the properties and click "add to cart" when you find something that aligns. 

The Best Crystals for Beginners

The best crystals for beginners is subjective. The best crystal for you is the one you resonate with - regardless of what any crystal expert tells you! However, some are easier to work with than others. Some crystals have more soothing energy, while others are more transformative. We have compiled a list of the best crystals for beginners based on their energy, frequency, and healing properties.  We call these "gateway crystals" as they often lead to a much wider range of crystals because their energy is just THAT good! 

1. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the universal stone of love, and is an amazing crystal for beginners. It's known to increase self-love, compassion, and can even support romance manifestations. It has gentle, loving energy and is one of the most beautiful pink crystals around. A popular way to use rose quartz is to wear jewelry (rings, bracelets, and necklaces are often best-sellers).

2. Amethyst

Amethyst is a tranquil stone that provides soothing energy that can calm anxiety, fear, anger and depression. It is also known to enhance intuition and can help you get started on your spiritual journey! 

3. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the master healer, and is said to heal both physical and emotional ailments. This is one of the most versatile crystals that can be programmed to support any intention. It's also an amplifier which means it can strengthen and amplify the energy of other crystals.

4. Howlite

Howlite is an amazing crystal that provides calming energy, similar to amethyst. It also helps created patience and focus. It encourages healthy, calm communication. It's a soothing stone that gives serene energy, and can help when going through challenging times. 

5. Selenite / Satin Spar

Selenite is an amazing crystal for every collection as it helps cleanse and charge other crystals. You can place your crystals on or near a selenite stick to cleanse and charge the energy. It is a calming stone that provides peaceful energy, perfect for starting out on your spiritual journey. It helps you see the "big picture."

Because of the gentle, peaceful energy of these crystals we usually recommend them to beginners. They are 'must-haves' for any collection, and are not overpowering in their energy, so you probably won't have any issues working with these crystals regularly. 

They also work extremely well with each other, so you can keep them in a dish by your nightstand or entryway, hold them in your purse or stack bracelets to wear them all together. 

Most crystal shops will have a crystal kit for beginners which combines these crystals in one kit.  The Manifest and Flow crystal kit contains all 5 of these crystals in one beautiful packaged kit, which you can find here. 

Ready to shop? Head over now and check out the crystal kits in store. 


angélique a.

hi!! i discovered this website on pinterest and im very interested in crystals now, because i feel its really good for the soul.. so i will be buying crystals soon! how do i charge/cleanse crystals though?

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