Where to buy authentic crystals online
Sometimes, you just need a little crystal pick-me-up. Or, you may need some serious help clearing away stagnant energy. People around the world have been using crystals for hundreds and thousands of years (the history is incredible so I highly suggest you dig-in when you have the time). But, crystals are becoming increasingly popular in today's world. You might walk by your colleagues desk to find a rose quartz on the corner, or read about celebrities like Kate Hudson infusing their facial creams with crystal energy. They are really getting noticed!
Crystals can help you change your vibration, and they are making waves on social media. By tapping into the frequency of the crystal, you can feel a wide array of benefits such as increased confidence, self-love, romance and even abundance!
Crystals can be used in a variety of ways. You can wear them on a piece of jewelry, place one on your nightstand or under your pillow, meditate with them, or even carry one with you in your purse.
But where do you buy authentic crystals online?
There are a wide variety of crystal shops online. Big and small retailers are selling crystals at a wide range of prices, and there are a lot of considerations to make.
Firstly, you want to know your buying authentic crystals. The reality is some crystal shops out there are not always 100% honest in what they sell. Stick to this rule of thumb: if it sounds too good to be true...it probably is. You'll find crystal shops online selling crystals at "rock bottom" prices, and often, this is because they are replicas, lab-made, or simply fakes. I've seen large malachite pendants for less than $3.00 - this is simply impossible!
Secondly, you want to ensure the crystal shop sources their crystals ethically. There are very few international regulations on crystal mining. This lends itself to child labor, or environmental destruction. Sourcing crystals ethically comes at a higher cost - so when they claim "ethically sourced" and are extremely cheap, proceed with caution!
Where to Buy Authentic Crystals Online
If you're wondering where to buy authentic crystals online, you're in the right place. Manifest + Flow is an online crystal shop located in Ontario, Canada, with a huge variety of crystals, crystal kits, and jewelry. With an authenticity guarantee, you can shop for crystals with confidence and never have to worry if they are the "real deal". The best part - all orders ship within 1 business day which means your crystals get there even faster!
There are also lots of shops on Etsy selling crystals, including manifest + flow (with a more limited selection than the main website). However, Etsy is known to charge high fees to shop owners, so the prices (with shipping) may be higher. It is common on Etsy to find crystals for under $5, but when you go to check out the cost is significantly higher. High shipping fees are a reality on Etsy, so just ensure to review your purchase thoroughly before checkout.
Buying real crystals online isn't as hard as it may sound. Do a bit of research before purchasing, and you'll be good to go! Check out our article here on how to buy authentic crystals online. A good crystal retailer will have a return policy, a social media page, easy-to-find contact information, and will be knowledgable on the properties of the crystals they sell. You should be able to reach out with questions about crystals or how they source them.
Can you buy real crystals on Amazon?
Yes, but be careful. There are some reputable crystal retailers, but overall the quality is low and there is zero information on source or properties. There are also an abundance of mislabelled or fake crystals on there so it's a risk.
Can you buy real crystals on AliExpress/Alibaba?
AliExpress is one of the most difficult places to shop for crystals, but often the prices can be incredibly tempting. Most of the fakes out there are from AliExpress. You can usually tell by the name of the crystal, and even the picture. However, some of the crystals are real. The issue is the source is never identified, the quality is unknown, and many of them are labelled incorrectly. Finding ethically sourced crystals would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. You also run the risk of having a real crystal that has been enhanced to make it look higher quality. When working with something like crystals, it's important to ensure the energy and vibration is aligned. When there are so any amazing local retailers out there to support, AliExpress would never be high on my list of businesses.
Have any questions about crystals or shopping for crystals online? Drop a comment in the box below!
Head over to the shop to get your crystal fix.